Author: admin_ODBiNTY

How to stay strong and coordinated as you age

So many physical abilities decline with normal aging, including strength, swiftness, and stamina. In addition to these muscle-related declines, there are also changes that occur in coordinating the movements of the body. Together, these changes mean that as you age, you may not be able to perform activities such as running to catch a bus, […]

Making holiday shopping decisions quicker and with less stress

When faced with buying shoes, some people will be done in five minutes and be totally satisfied. For others, it’ll be a multiday process of reading reviews, comparing prices, consideration, and more consideration before making a decision. Or not. People can want to make a choice, but fear of making a bad one or of […]

Acupuncture relieves prostatitis symptoms in study

Prostatitis gets little press, but it’s a common inflammatory condition that accounts for more than two million visits to doctors’ offices in the United States every year. Some cases are caused by bacteria that can be readily detected and treated with antibiotics. But more than 90% of the time, prostatitis symptoms (which can include painful […]

Tinnitus: Ringing or humming in your ears? Sound therapy is one option

That recurring sound that you hear but nobody else does? It’s not all in your head. Well, not exactly. You may be one of the estimated 50 million-plus people who suffer from tinnitus. The mysterious condition causes a sound in the head with no external source. For many it’s a high-pitched ringing, while for others […]